Toilet Roll Holder

2005. Oil on canvas.
420 x 290 mm.
Private collection.



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About this work

In many of my works I subvert the meaning of common objects by placing them outside their usual context, often juxtaposing them with incongruous objects. In this painting, however, the object is so commonplace that just by painting it I have already subverted its meaning. A subtle narrative is set up by the violent way the paper is torn, which is slightly out of the ordinary. Viewers may extend the narrative by considering the decrepit state of the wall on which the toilet roll holder is situated.

As with much of my work, in this painting I also want to draw attention to the beauty that can be found in the most mundane, everyday objects, and to encourage people to stop and look more closely at the world around them.

This work was first shown in Paean to Paint at artSPACE durban in 2005, curated by Dee Donaldson. It was selected for the 2006 ABSA L’Atelier Exhibition. It was also part of Specimen 97-07, my solo exhibition in 2007.